Cuidando da saúde do seu cão

Serviço de passeio de cães seguro

Passeios Diários

Momentos de diversão e exercício para cães.

Socialização e bem-estar garantidos para cães.

Atendimento personalizado para cada cão.

Saúde Canina
Companhia e Alegria
a dog with a paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw
a dog with a paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw paw

Nossos Planos e Preços

Conheça nossos planos individuais, semanais, mensais e trimestrais com preços promocionais.

Ideal para quem deseja flexibilidade e economia em passeios únicos.

Plano Mensal R$40,00

Perfeito para quem quer explorar mais com um preço acessível mensalmente.

Aproveite passeios ilimitados durante três meses com desconto especial.

Aproveite passeios ilimitados durante uma semana com desconto especial.

Cuidado e bem-estar para cães

Na Cão e Ação, oferecemos passeios diários para promover a saúde física e mental dos cães, garantindo momentos de diversão e socialização que eles merecem.

A person in casual attire walks a dog on a paved walkway next to an urban street. Buildings with signage are on the left side, while a parking garage and palm trees are on the right. Cars and pedestrians are visible in the background under a clear blue sky.
A person in casual attire walks a dog on a paved walkway next to an urban street. Buildings with signage are on the left side, while a parking garage and palm trees are on the right. Cars and pedestrians are visible in the background under a clear blue sky.



Clientes satisfeitos

Cães felizes

Serviços para Cães

Oferecemos passeios diários para garantir saúde física e mental dos seus cães.

A Importância dos Passeios:
A person in casual attire is walking a dog on a wide paved walkway, lined with modern architectural buildings. The setting appears to be an urban or campus area with large buildings and greenery in the background.
A person in casual attire is walking a dog on a wide paved walkway, lined with modern architectural buildings. The setting appears to be an urban or campus area with large buildings and greenery in the background.

Os passeios são fundamentais para a qualidade de vida do seu cão. Eles ajudam a queimar energia, previnem problemas de obesidade e proporcionam estímulos mentais e sociais. Além disso, passear é uma excelente forma de evitar comportamentos indesejados, como ansiedade e destruição de móveis.

A person carrying a dog on their back, walking alongside a wall with dark stone patterns. There is visible graffiti and a sign on the wall indicating photocopying services and form-filling.
A person carrying a dog on their back, walking alongside a wall with dark stone patterns. There is visible graffiti and a sign on the wall indicating photocopying services and form-filling.
A black and white image captures a person walking four small dogs along a tree-lined sidewalk. Surrounding the scene are parked vehicles, signs, and blurred pedestrians, indicating urban life.
A black and white image captures a person walking four small dogs along a tree-lined sidewalk. Surrounding the scene are parked vehicles, signs, and blurred pedestrians, indicating urban life.
Atualizações em Tempo Real:

Para que você se sinta seguro e conectado, oferecemos a opção de receber informações sobre as caminhadas em tempo real através de aplicativos. Você pode acompanhar o trajeto, a distância percorrida e receber um relatório completo ao final da caminhada, tudo na palma da sua mão.

Nós nos preocupamos com o bem-estar do seu cão. Durante os passeios, garantimos que ele tenha acesso a água fresca e petiscos saudáveis, tornando a experiência ainda mais agradável. Seu amigo não só se exercita, mas também se sente amado e cuidado.

Cuidados Especiais Durante os Passeios:

Depoimentos Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes dizem sobre nossos serviços de passeios.

Os passeios diários mudaram a vida do meu cão. Ele adora!

Maria Silva
An elderly woman walks along a sunlit street, pushing a small dog in a pet stroller. A brown dog walks alongside her on the pavement. The street is lined with parked cars and shaded by trees. Residential buildings and people are visible in the background, hinting at a calm, suburban setting.
An elderly woman walks along a sunlit street, pushing a small dog in a pet stroller. A brown dog walks alongside her on the pavement. The street is lined with parked cars and shaded by trees. Residential buildings and people are visible in the background, hinting at a calm, suburban setting.

São Paulo

A equipe é incrível! Meu cachorro está mais feliz e saudável.

A person walks a dog on a city street, approaching a zebra crossing. The street scene is urban, with buildings in the background and a traffic light visible. The scene is slightly out of focus, giving it a candid, casual atmosphere.
A person walks a dog on a city street, approaching a zebra crossing. The street scene is urban, with buildings in the background and a traffic light visible. The scene is slightly out of focus, giving it a candid, casual atmosphere.
João Pereira

Rio Janeiro


Galeria Canina

Momentos de diversão e socialização para seu amigo de quatro patas.

A person in casual clothing is walking a dog across a city street. The street is flanked by buildings with detailed architecture, and the sky is clear and blue. Shadows are cast on the pavement, indicating the position of the sun.
A person in casual clothing is walking a dog across a city street. The street is flanked by buildings with detailed architecture, and the sky is clear and blue. Shadows are cast on the pavement, indicating the position of the sun.
A person with a backpack is walking a small white dog on a leash along a stone-paved street. The setting includes an old stone wall, and the person is wearing a blue-patterned shirt, white shorts, and white sneakers.
A person with a backpack is walking a small white dog on a leash along a stone-paved street. The setting includes an old stone wall, and the person is wearing a blue-patterned shirt, white shorts, and white sneakers.
A person in a white shirt and black pants is walking a small brown dog on a leash across a zebra crossing in an urban setting. A white building with a sign and graffiti is in the background.
A person in a white shirt and black pants is walking a small brown dog on a leash across a zebra crossing in an urban setting. A white building with a sign and graffiti is in the background.
A person wearing a green parka, jeans, and black shoes is walking a fluffy black and white dog that is wearing a denim vest. The person is also wearing a black face mask and a cap. They are on a city sidewalk with trees and a few other people seen in the background.
A person wearing a green parka, jeans, and black shoes is walking a fluffy black and white dog that is wearing a denim vest. The person is also wearing a black face mask and a cap. They are on a city sidewalk with trees and a few other people seen in the background.
Two people, wearing masks, walk side by side on a city street, with one person holding a small dog wrapped in a fluffy jacket. They carry a turquoise pet backpack with a transparent dome. In the background, there's a cyclist wearing green, trees, and a modern building with glass windows. A sign indicating a sale is visible, hanging on a lamppost.
Two people, wearing masks, walk side by side on a city street, with one person holding a small dog wrapped in a fluffy jacket. They carry a turquoise pet backpack with a transparent dome. In the background, there's a cyclist wearing green, trees, and a modern building with glass windows. A sign indicating a sale is visible, hanging on a lamppost.
A person wearing a dark jacket and brown pants walks a golden retriever on a pink leash along a brick sidewalk. The person is next to a building with a red door, and there is a mix of concrete and brick paths.
A person wearing a dark jacket and brown pants walks a golden retriever on a pink leash along a brick sidewalk. The person is next to a building with a red door, and there is a mix of concrete and brick paths.